最近,全然scene researchしてないないけど,三つ子の魂百までと言うようにやっぱasmがあるとワクワクしますね.
asm TVとかやってるから,みんな見るように.
めぼしいところだと日本時間で,4kが8/5 5:30,64kが8/6 5:30,demoが8/6 7:00.
www.assemblytv.net/2006/en/schedule より
Thursday 3rd of August
12.00 AssemblyTV broadcast starts!
12:20 Assemblyn special interview
12:30 DTV:What is Demo scene?
13:00 Assembly News
13.06 Assembly Update:Seminars
13:25 Assembly History part I: Old stuff
14:00,15:00,16:00 Assembly News
14:08 Gaming Level 7
15:21 Assembly History part II:How Assembly has evolved?
16:37 Kauppalehti NetTV: Future of Digital media
17:00,18:00 Assembly News
18:30 Assembly opening ceremony
19:00,20:00 Assembly News
20:10 Star Wreck-interview
20:20 Star Wreck -movie marathon part I
23.00 GameDev Compo
23:45 Star Wreck -movie marathon part II
Friday 4th of August
10:00 Good Morning Assembly
12:00,15:00 Assembly News - In english
14:05 Assembly Update: Robosota
17:00 Keynote Seminar: Star Wreck - and more.
Samuli Torssonen, Timo Vuorensola, Atte Joutsen, Jarmo Puskala.
18:30 Fast Music Compo
19:30 Fast Graphics Compo
21:00 Assembly News - In english
22:00 Instrumental Music Compo
23:00 Drawn Graphics Compo
23:30 4k Intro Compo
00:30 Oldskool Music Compo
01:30 Oldskool Graphics Compo
02:00 Oldskool Demo Compo
Saturday 5th of August
10:00 Good Morning Assembly
12:00 Seminar: Getting a job in games. Jussi Laakkonen
14:51 Assembly News -In english
15:00 Freestyle Music Compo
16:00 Freestyle Graphics Compo
17:00 Browser Demo Compo
18:00 Assembly News - In english
18:05 Star Wreck-trivia
18:30 Prize Ceremony 1
20:00 Mobile Demo Compo
22:00 Short Film Compo
23:30 64k Intro Compo
01:00 Demo Compo
03:30 Showing of non-qualified realtime compo entries
Sunday 6th of August
10:00 Good Morning Assembly
13:00 Assembly News - In english
14:00 Price Ceremony 2
14:30 Closing Ceremony
15:30 Collection of finest moments of Assembly'06
16:00 All good things come to an end
16:15 AssemblyTV broadcast ends
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